30kW System Adam Hays Woodcroft
Thaxted Park Golf Club
The Results
$4,103 Starting monthly power bill
$1,924 New monthly power bill*
$2,179 Monthly Savings ($)*
53% Monthly Savings (%)*
3.7 Payback Years*
27% ROI*
*This is an estimate

Located 20km south of Adelaide in the suburb of Woodcroft, Thaxted Park Golf Club’s course layout takes advantage of rolling hills, offering views to the sea. Many of the tree lined fairways are interwoven with the creeks and dams which attract an abundance of wildlife.

Following a comprehensive engineering audit it was determined that VSD’s on two main irrigation pumps, 30kW solar PV on club house and LED lighting upgrade would achieve Thaxted Park Golf Clubs desired result. Energy Buster also provided an additional bill re-engineering service.
- A thorough analysis of the billing structure and tariffs helped direct the right pathway and ensured no savings dilution
- Significant large bill savings resulted which also met an acceptable ROI