30kW System Tony Wilson Norwood
Martins Brand House
Savings achieved well beyond customers expectation
The Results
$2,099 Starting monthly power bill
$754 New monthly power bill*
$1,345 Monthly Savings ($)*
64% Monthly Savings (%)*
4.4 Payback Years*
23% ROI*
*This is an estimate
Martins Brand House is a world-class team based in Adelaide, operating across national and international projects. Comprised of three core disciplines: Brand Identity, Place Making and Marketing, Martins Brand House provide a broad range of services that enable the brand experience to be consistent across every consumer touch point and to maximise that value.
Energy Buster provided a comprehensive holistic energy solution deployed right across all main building energy use areas. This included a 30kW solar PV system, full building LED light upgrade, compressor optimisation and bill re-engineering.
- Savings achieved well beyond customers expectation
- Full-turn-key solution including experienced project manager
- Energy bills no longer a concern