5kW System Lopresto residence Wynn Vale
Lopresto residence – Wynn Vale
The Results
$825 Starting quarterly power bill
$330 New quarterly power bill*
$495 Quarterly Savings ($)*
60% Quarterly Savings (%)*
3.1 Payback Years*
*This is an estimate
This project presented two challenges. Firstly, the air-conditioner was on the way out and secondly, the power bill was steadily increasing. The client believed they could only afford one solution at a time.
Energy Buster demonstrated how a solar system could be self-funding and were also able to model, using our engineering tool, the energy consumption changes that would happen into the future with a growing family.
- 5.76kW SunPower P-Series solar system – 18 x 320W black panels
- Includes smart meter and advice of how to buy power
- Achieving desired savings – and cash flow positive
- Also happy panels are the most sustainably made available